
Our First Day in Singapore

April 21, 2018

We woke up to a beautiful sunny, hot, and humid day. We got ready and headed to a local MRT station to get bus passes. For $20 and a $10 deposit we get back, you get unlimited access to the MRT and busses. Once we got the passes we headed to Telok Ayer street in Chinatown. We went to a hawker center and I had Turkish food while Hunter had a ramen type dish. After lunch we headed to Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay - the iconic locations in Singapore. It was beautiful and amazing. I have been dying to see this and it was even more amazing in person. This was one of many dreams coming true! 

Hawker Center in Chinatown

Exploring Chinatown 

Skyline near Marina Bay Sands

Marina Bay Sands Hotel
Gardens by the Bay - the big tree is called the super grove 

More awesome trees with orchids and other flowers climbing up them
We spent much of the afternoon at Gardens by the Bay. They have a cloud forest and a flower dome. It was very pretty and a lot of fun. We even got to have a tour with the cutest girl guides. They taught us about different parts of the orchid flower. Did you know the orchid only has 2 petals? The other 3 are called sepals and protect the flower bud. 

Pitcher plants and Venus fly trap, with some made of LEGO

The awesome Baobabs 

Living rocks, can you spot them?

Tulips from the Netherlands

Marina Bay Sands hotel

We then got a small lunch at McDonald’s. Yes, there was one in the Gardens! After that we quickly went back to the hotel to get our phone chargers and then headed back to see the Gardens at night. It was beautiful and we arrived just in time for their light show. Afterwards we went to another hawker center for dinner in the bottom of the massive mall by Marina Bay Sands. We then headed home ready to rest after an awesome day of exploring.

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