
Down Under Day 3

Post Date: Thursday August 9, 2018

We woke up bright and early, had breakfast our host provided, and set off for the Prom. It was a 2 hour drive to Tidal River down some winding roads. Tidal River is the furthest south you can drive in Australia. 

We drove to the visitors center to try and learn more about the park. They had a small information center that talked about the kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and emus. They also talked about how this was a marine protected area. After reading we walked around the area to a footbridge where we saw our first wombat. We continued walking and made it to Norman's Beach - a popular beach for campers. On the beach we saw these weird patterns, like little bumps. Something burrowed down under the sand and left a little mound of sand ontop of it. On our way back to the car, we came across some Crimson Rosella that decided to land on my hand. I was not expecting it, but it was so awesome. 


For lunch we had meat, cheese, and crackers. It was delicious. Australia banned all plastic straws, dishes, and cutlery so we had a wooden knife to cut the cheese. 

We then took a short drive to Squeeky beach. It is called Squeeky beach because of the quartz sand. When you walk on it the sand rubs together and makes noise. It was funny when all of a sudden we started squeeking when we walked.

Next we stopped at Whiskey beach. Here we saw the crab that makes the little burrows mentioned earlier. We also walked in between the giant rocks.

Burrowing crab 

Finally we drive to the wildlife lookout trail. Here we saw a wombat, 2 emus, and 10+ kangaroos up close. The animals here are very relaxed and you can shockingly get very close to them without them shying away. After our photo session of the kangaroos we headed back to the car to head to our Air BnB for the night. For dinner we stopped at a small fish and chips place in Port Albert. It was delicious!

1 comment:

  1. Everything looks so beautiful!! And those emus are awesome :D
