
Back to Reality

We got up at 3am on November 12th, 2019 and walked to the train stations at 3:30 for our 4:10 am departure to the airport. Our flight to Amsterdam on KLM was scheduled to leave at 6:15. We got to the station before it opened and had to wait outside. Apparently, even though the train departs at 4:10, the station only opens at 4. We were very worried with having to buy tickets that we would miss it, but we were speedy and made it. As we headed out, Hunter noticed we were going a different way than what the Google Maps had shown and then the train stopped. We thought maybe we were waiting to pass another train or something, but we stayed still for a long time. Not knowing what was going on, I started walking through the train cars trying to see if anyone else knew what was up, but it was pretty empty as it was 4:20 at this point. Eventually I found a conductor who was talking to a bunch of business men in the train and he told me that there was something wrong with the train and that we would be going to a different station and switching trains to get to the airport. I went back to find Hunter and tell him the information. Finally the train started to move again around 4:40 and we made it to a different train station. We were escorted to another train waiting for us that was going directly to the airport. I was becoming worried because the flight was departing at 6am and I did not want to miss it and miss my midterm. We thankfully made it to the airport and with enough time to quickly stop at the lounge to get a drink as we were both parched. They had the cutest little glass diet coke bottles too! Though we only stayed a little bit we both really liked the lounge and BRU seems to be a really nice airport.

A tower we passed while waking to the train station

Waiting on the Train

Selfie on the train! 

Mini glass bottled diet coke!

Our flight to Amsterdam was a quick one and upon arrival we gained our 9th AMS stamp! Europe stamps you both in and out every time, funnily they thought Hunter was leaving from our last trip to Switzerland and missed that he had left and come back. I now have four full pages of stamps in my passport! After we cleared secondary screening, we went to find some KLM agents to ask for loads on their flights directly to Calgary and Edmonton as a back up as the flights to the USA and then into Canada were looking not great and I needed to get back for my midterm. We tried with a few different agents and the first attempt with got told it was "worth a try" which to us told us nothing about the seat availability on the flight or if I would make it if I had to take their flights. On our second attempt, the agents helping us gave us so many different widely ranging numbers, we still were unclear if I would make any. We stopped trying at this point and went to the lounge to check the USA flights. Hunter researched and determined that Houston on United was a viable option, so thats where we went!

Off we go, bye Blegium

Waiting in Amsterdam

Our plane to IAH

Bye Amsterdam

We got on our flights and were in seats 9A and 10A. We were not beside each other and neither person beside us wanted to switch seats, so we stayed put. It wasn't bad though because I was behind Hunter I could just poke him when I wanted his attention! We both watch the live-action Dora movie at the start of the flight which turned out to be hilarious. I was quite worried it would be a disappointment, but I would recommend it! Service soon started and Hunter and I both ordered salmon for lunch. After eating it wasn't long before we were both asleep from our early and exciting morning. I woke up about 2 hours before landing and forced myself to pull out my notes and study a little more for my midterm tomorrow. I was just rereading my notes. Soon enough arrival service began and I woke up Hunter. We both had a mac and cheese pie which was surprisingly delicious! We arrived in Houston about 30 minutes early and decided that we had time to stop at the Priority Pass restaurant here and boy was that a great choice. Lunch was delicious. I had fish tacos and Hunter had popcorn Cajun shrimp. Then, while Hunter checked on my flights, which were looking gloomy, I was studying as much as I could because I really did not feel prepared and was terrified of missing my exams and getting a 0 because of flights. After eating we went to the gate for my flight to Edmonton which was my only option for getting back to Kelowna tonight otherwise I would be sleeping in the Calgary or Vancouver airport and taking the first flight I could into Kelowna before my test at 10:30 am. I did not want to do that, so I crossed my fingers someone would miss this flight and I could take their seat because as it stood, I was 1 for 0 seats. Finally, as we were anxiously waiting, they called my name and assigned me a seat, 36 E. I was so happy I would be getting home tonight, that even being in the back of the plane didn't bother me... too much. Hunter booked my ticket from Edmonton to Kelowna for me and I was soon airborne. It was 4.5 hours to Edmonton and I was glad to be on the ground and stretch. When I arrived, I cleared customs and security and checked in with an agent. Once I was through CATSA again I went to the lounge as I had about an hour until my flight to Kelowna. I got a drink, snuck a few extras into my bag, and then went to the gate. The gate agent was very nice and I got a premium economy seat on the Dash 8. The flight was a quick hour and I was in Kelowna before I knew it. I quickly took a taxi home, showered, and went to sleep as I was extremely tired.

Nuts and drinks

The starter

The main


Arrival meal

PP resturant

It was a nice spot I hope to go back to

Finally back to Kelowna!

Hunter left Houston about an hour after I did and flew to Salt Lake City. His flight was delayed and the connection for the flight to St. George kept shrinking, but they made time up in the air and he made it back to SGU without any hiccups.

UPDATE: After taking my test Wednesday morning, I felt like I didn't do great as it was heavy on theory and I blanked out on it, however, I got my test back Friday and I got an A+. I guess the moral of the story is to have Hunter take me on more international adventures with sketchy routes home and it'll all work out! Anyways now it is time to buckle down, finish a bunch of assignments and group projects (I have 4 group project reports and presentations in the next two weeks), and study for finals which are just around the corner.

Till next adventure,

Stormy & Hunter

1 comment:

  1. Another delightful visit, this time to a place I remember well. So glad you had such fun! gh
