
The Endeavor Continues!

Hunter and I are off to another country, continuing our attempt at reaching 21 countries before April 7th!

Early morning view in Kelowna

Hunter leaving Jackson to meet me at JFK

Hunter got first on his flight to Dallas and got a delicious sandwich for lunch

Dallas airport from the air
A Qantas plane at sunset

Hunter's plane to JFK

I finished my midterm Friday (November 8th, 2019) and headed to the airport to catch the 4pm flight to Seattle. The midterm went fairly well for me, however, it was quite long and a lot of people were unable to finish the exam in the 50 minutes allotted. I hope the prof takes that into consideration and doesn't murder us on the final!

The flight to Seattle was quick and I headed to the S gates priority pass lounge when I arrived as I had a few hours before the next flight. The plan was to take a 945 pm flight to JFK and meet Hunter there the next morning. The flight was looking tight, but I tried nonetheless and managed to score a seat.

Somewhere over the USA

Almost to JFK and the sun is starting to rise

I arrived at 6am (November 9th) and headed to terminal 8 to meet Hunter for breakfast at the priority pass restaurant. We have eaten at Bobby Vans Steakhouse before and loved it, so we're excited for another free breakfast. We both ordered the salmon eggs benedict. While eating my mom and Paul were able to get us a great deal for a day room at the Hilton hotel near the airport. Our flight out of JFK wasn't until 7:30pm, so we have quite a while to wait and I really wanted to shower before the next flight. After breakfast, we took a shuttle to the hotel and before we knew it we were having a nap as both of us were tired from our redeye flights. We had an alarm set for 10:30 because we also go breakfast vouchers from the hotel and breakfast was served till 11am. We snuck in right in time for brunch!
Breakfast #1

We saw a StarWars paint scheme airplane

Waiting for the shuttle to our dayroom. Thanks for the scarf mom - I love it!

Breakfast #2

The view from the hotel

The bathroom was not designed with tall people in mind!

After eating we went back to our hotel room and I got some assignments and studying done while Hunter researched more about our trip. I have a midterm Wednesday morning, so I have been working on studying the material for it whenever possible.

At 4pm we checked out and headed to T4 where our flight was departing from. We still had a couple hours so we hit up one of the lounges where we snacked and I worked on my capstone project. Capstone has been quite stressful for me, but I'm hoping it will come together soon. We have a presentation on November 27th we are preparing and there's a lot of work we must do before it's ready.

At 6pm we left the lounge and headed to our gate. It was a long way to the gate, and once we arrived we found out we were cleared into Delta One 5 B and C on flight DL140 to Brussels, Belgium country number 17!

Hunter's welcome aboard beverage

Our flight was a little late as the one on the gate before us had a small mechanical issue that made them later from pushing off the gate. Once they started boarding, Hunter and I got on and to board, they used the photo machines that scan your passport and take a picture to confirm it's you. We have watched it being done before, but this was our first time experiencing it. I was amazed at how quick, easy, and accurate it was!

We settled in and waited for takeoff. We began a movie called Where Did You Go Bernadette. It was a good one. We were 40 minutes in before we begin taxiing for takeoff due to delays in our plane getting to our gate.

Once in the air, our dinner service started. It was the same menu from our last trip's flight PDX-AMS and Hunter and I both ordered the same things, I had the chicken and Hunter had the crab cakes. For dessert, we had ice cream Sundays with coffee type icecream. It was really yummy. After eating we both took a much needed nap.

 The menu

The starter 

Chicken dish 

 Crab cake dish

The best part is always dessert!

I woke up with an hour and a half left in our flight and breakfast service started shortly. Again it was the same as our last flight!

We arrived in Brussels at 8:45 am Sunday, November 10th, cleared customs receiving another stamp in our passports and headed to our hotel to drop off our bags.

Hunter was quite tired upon arrival! 

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