
Welcome to 2020

We ate breakfast around 9am on January 1st, 2020 and then went back to our room. We were still both tired, so we went back to sleep for a few hours. Once we were well-rested, we got up, showered, and got ready to go into the city. Our plan was to eat lunch at Wagamama, visit the Tate Modern, and have dinner at Meat Market in Covent Gardens.

A cool building as we exited a tube station near the Tate

Lunch at Wagamama!

The Tate Modern was an old power station

The Tate Modern has some very interesting art.

A massive statue from a Hyundai Commission

Art using light

Majestic art

The ISS, made out of wire

Hunter is a big Roy Lichtenstein fan 

Soviet Propaganda poster, ironically Stalin later had the artist killed

An interesting work called Babel where a tower of 100s of radios all played at once creating lots of unintelligible noise

The Tate closed at 6pm and we then walked along the Victoria Embankment to Waterloo Bridge and then across the Thames and Strand to Covent Garden where Meat Market is located. It was a nice walk and the weather was lovely. We passed some pretty lights that made for great pictures!

St Pauls and the City

Dinner time!

We headed back to the hotel after eating dinner. Once we got back, I packed up our things ready to leave tomorrow. All the flights were looking quite terrible, but we were sure we would make something. We were not in a huge rush, but we were ready to leave and get back to the US. 

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