
Reading Break 2020

Only 71 days left and then I officially finish my degree! I'm am beyond excited to finish university and enter the working world. I have already applied for a few jobs and have an interview soon. We shall see what happens!

Reading break is next week and Hunter and I are off on an adventure again! The goal is to visit 3 new countries on this trip so I can say I've been to 21 countries before I am done being 21! I started my reading break a little early by leaving this Thursday (February 13, 2020) after finishing a midterm. I had two midterms this past week that were pretty tough because it was mostly memorization of material and regurgitation on the test unlike all my other exams being mostly math-related. I have three more left when I get back, and then we're onto finals.

So I took the afternoon flight to Seattle on Thursday and then spent a few hours in the airport where I tried the new priority pass restaurant, Trailhead BBQ, and stopped at the 2nd restaurant, Bambuza, for snacks to take on our flight. Our plan was to meet in Chicago and take a flight to London. There was an American flight at 9am and then a United one at 3pm from Chicago on the 14th. The American flight had plenty of space in economy, almost to the point every passenger could have their own row to themselves, and the United flight had some space in business and economy. As I always tell Hunter, we should always try every flight we can, even if it doesn't look like we will make it, because you never know who won't show up. In the end, we decided our plan was to take American to London because even in economy we would have our own full rows. We would also arrive at 10pm and get to sleep upon arrival which helps with any jetlag. Hunter loves day time flights to LHR because of this.

My flight from Seattle to Chicago arrived at 2am (February 14, 2020) because it was delayed, and Hunters red-eye flight arrived at 5am. Luckily Chicago had weather issues the day before and they had set up cots with blankets, so I got to sleep in the airport relatively comfortably from 2-4am. I didn't want to pay for a hotel because it didn't seem quite worth it.

I met up with Hunter when he arrived and we got tea and headed to our gate to wait till the 9am departure. We carefully watched loads which were fluctuating a bit in our favour - we may get business seats, but it's gonna be tight and who knows. The suspense always kills me! Either way, I was prepared with drinks and snacks for the 8-hour flight! We waited and I checked in with the agents to let them know we were here, and eventually boarding started. There was one person above us on the standby list, who, if didn't show up, we would get business! They called him many times and eventually around 30 minutes prior to departure, he showed up. We were both sad, but it was expected. A few moments later, however, we found out he was traveling with someone who was at the bottom of the standby list and they didn't want to separate, so he took economy with her, and Hunter and I lucked out with business class seats beside each other - 1D and 1H! We couldn't be happier!

One of the hallways at ORD

This plane is going to Cancun

This was the plane we took to London

Because the flight was so empty, we left about 20 minutes early. Once in the air, service started and we had a delicious breakfast. The starter was a salmon dish which was excellent. Hunter had the crab cake main dish and I had the French toast. American knows how to do breakfast - with a serving of ice cream at the end!

The salmon starter

Crab cakes

French Toast

Ice cream

After becoming quite full, we settled into our seats and slept. Hunter has been dealing with a cold, so sleep came easy for him. I took about a 3-hour nap and then woke up. I decided to stay up because I wanted to be tired when we landed in London.

About an hour before arrival, we had lunch. Hunter and I both had a chicken sandwich which was quite delicious! It came with a side salad type thing that was unique and tasty.


Before we knew it, we landed in London, passed through immigration, and headed to T4 to go to our usual hotel, the Holiday Inn Express! We got a room on the 5th floor and shortly after showering were asleep.

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