
Pandemic Life - Lets get back to bloggin'

 After a long hiatus, WE ARE BACK!

2020, UGH, am I right? 

Our last trip saw us return Febuary 23 from Jordan and Isreal. We had finally hit 21 countries before I was finished my 21st year on this planet. It honestly feels surreal to have travelled so extensively while in university full time studying engineering and graduating at the top of my class. The following weekends I travelled to St. George as I was exhausted with school and wanted to be anywhere but at uni. I had a lot of fun doing that. See some photos below!

Dino Tracks!

Sunset Dinners

Flying into SLC

March 5th was my last weekend travelling to SGU as the following weekend I was waiting in the airport and just as I was about to get on the plane, we received a UBC wide email stating anyone returning after the 13th would have to quarantine for 2 weeks. I had to just walk out of the airport since I couldn't afford to miss school and they hadn't announced an end to in-person classes. I am so grateful I went the weekend prior because I got to have an in-person interview and seal the deal with Jviation. March 16th, 2020, UBC announced that all remaining classes would be taught online: "In light of the growing national response to COVID-19, all UBC students planning to travel home may now do so" the email stated. That was my cue to pack up my apartment and head out to St. George, thinking I will be back sometime late that summer to get my things, but boy was I wrong on that! I didn't end up getting my things till December 19, 2020, 9 months later! I missed the flight that night in March to get to the US, so I spent the night with Rachel and left the following day. March 17, 2020 I was home with Hunter for the foreseeable future. We were both so happy to be together. Two days later on March 19th, I found out I was chosen for the job I applied for at Jviation. Of course we celebrated with ice cream cake!

I spent the next 2 months finishing up school and started working May 19, 2020. Once exams were finished and I didn't have to study 24/7 Hunter and I spend the time before starting work traveling locally and playing in nature since that was the best socially distant activity. We also bought a car since we now needed two vehicles to get to each of our jobs. 

Birthday delivery from my mom

Awesome birthday present from Hunter, I think he just wanted me to make good foods

Birthday dinner over Snow Canyon

Hiking Red Reef Trail with water present!

Range Rover Evoque @ Snow Canyon State Park

With a more capable car, a range rover evoque, we were now able to visit some more out there locations, and we sure did. We took it some places we have now taken our new even more capable 4runner to and look back and think how insane we were. 

Hiking at Three Falls in Hurricane

Gold Strike Mine out near Gunlock

A little bit of Zion

Heading into Peekaboo Canyon in Kanab

Petroglyphs at Little Black Mountain

Hiking at Cascade Falls

First day of work!

Celebrating after finding out I graduated at the top of my class.

Safety first on the job!

Once I started work, I was exhausted for about a month until I got into the groove of things, but I was so happy to have a job immediately after graduating, especially given the circumstances. School was not over quite yet though, I still had to take the FE and PE exams. These exams are required in the process of becoming a fully licensed Professional Engineer in the US. I was extremely lucky to be able to squeeze in studying while working. My first job was at the Cedar City Airport on the Runway Reconstruction Project. It was so exciting to be working on an airport we fly in/out of!

Working with electricians on the Cedar City Airport project

We still kept up our weekend exploration adventures even though I was studying for my FE exam. I studied for ~4 months and thankfully passed on my first try (as Hunter would say "would you expect anything else") in October 2020. 

We walked every night after work on some awesome parks in our area

Tokervill Falls

Floating near our house

Enjoying the cool weather up Kolob Terrace Road

Floating by Zion


Finally got my degree delivered (it is now hung on my office wall)!

Another walk at a park in St. George

Escaping the heat in Pine Valley

Before we knew it, it was July 4th and we headed out to Jackson. I used my Go Pro which I bought as a graduation gift for myself. For it's first big use, I made a cute video of our trip. Make sure to set your video settings on youtube to the highest quality using the gear icon!

Seeing a bear up close and personal

Jumping into the cold water at Phelps 

The Cedar City Airport coming to a close on the Runway Reconstruction project

The grand reopening of CDC

Teaching Hunter's coworker and her daughter about the airport reconstruction

Visiting Cedar Breaks National Monument

Taking a weekender back to Jackson and eating Pinky Gs with a great view

My all-time favourite photo!

A very photogenic dog

Hiking in Jackson at Hidden Falls below Inspiration Point

Cascade Canyon above Inspiration Point

In August we hiked the Zion overlook trail, which was pretty awesome

On another one of our local walks, we found two porcupines eating some seeds from a tree

Red Reef Trail without water

This sometimes is filled with water and has a small waterfall

Aspen-Mirror Lake in Duck Creek

Hiking at highland park

Some nature before my FE exam near SLC 

Between starting work and my first exam, we sure packed in a lot of activities. It really has been a blast getting to explore local areas and I really don't think we would have done as much as we did had we not been in a pandemic. Once I finished my exam, work was starting to slow down because construction was coming to a close for the winter months. Hunter and I both were working from home, which was really nice. It allowed for even more evening and weekend adventures.

The end of October/ start of November also was very exciting for me not only because I passed my FE exam, but I got to Vote in the USA for the first time. It was great getting to vote and every vote matters!

Cedar Breaks National Monument

Fort Pierce

Snow Canyon Overlook

Anasazi Trail Petroglyphs

Sheep Bridge Park in la Verkin

Playing in the Zion fall colours

At the end of November we were itching to do more exploring and so we expanded our adventure radius and headed to Valley of Fire to hike and camp. I used my GoPro and put together another fun video seen below. 

Valley of Fire Video

Nice fire in our backyard

Taking the R.R. places it probably shouldn't go - Signal Peak

Our dust trail lingering

A walk by Dino Crossing

Before we knew it, it was already December and Christmas was right around the corner. Covid still was peaking everywhere, so we didn't have plans but to spend it together relaxed at home and face timing our families. We had a few highlights in December including Red Rock Canyon near Las Vegas, hiking Angels Landing in Zion, and finally getting my things back from Kelowna!

While we don't get snow, we sure do get a lot of Christmas lights!

Red Rock Canyon Video

Angels Landing was a big deal for Hunter and I. We had always wanted to do it but were unsure because of how strenuous it can be and Hunter is not a fan of heights. Angels Landing is very scary because in the last section you are holding onto chains as you climb to the top. We had planned only to climb to Scouts Lookout, but I made us go the rest of the way because we were right there. Because of the last-minute decision, we ran out of carbs for Hunter to keep his blood sugar up and had to ask some fellow hikers for food. The experience has made us change how we pack anytime we leave the house. We have plenty of sugary gummy bears and lots of water now. This was one of my biggest video editing experiences as well since we ended up with 5 hours of footage. This is the first time I am sharing the video, so please enjoy and leave a comment if you want on the Youtube video!

Walter's Wiggles

Right on the edge!

The big video that took me 11 months to finish! Don't forget to make sure your video quality settings are set to the highest option using the gear icon!

After picking up my things December 19th, we decided to drive to the Hoover Dam as it was 15 minutes away

On the way home from picking up my things we stopped at warm springs natural area

Christmas day we went for an evening adventure as Hunter worked during the day. We headed up to find some snow up at Kolob Reservoir. We had an amazing sunset too at our favourite spot. That weekend we also decided to visit Jackson and go skiing at Snow King. I finally got to use the new skis that I have had for 4 years and my newly purchased boots. It was a lot of fun!

Kolob Resevoir was frozen over

Our favourite spot up on Kolob Terrace Road

Hunter's family's cat - little black kitty

On top of snow king

January 10th we went morning skiing at Brian Head ~2 hours from St. George. It was a disappointment compared to JHMR and Snow King, but I am glad we tried it.

It took a while, but Hunter finally convinced me to go on a bigger trip since the start of the pandemic. We went to Tuscon AZ to see the saguaro cacti. It was an awesome weekend trip and quite strange to see cacti everywhere rather than trees. 

The little Collins (+1) and one bigger Collins today!

Little Hunter and Bailey and much older Hunter

Mask up!

Multi-arm saguaro

Authentic Mexican dinner

Another loop behind Red Cliffs with Signal Peak in the background

After some fun adventures post FE exam, I got back to the books to study for my PE exam which is the final exam I need to become a licensed engineer in Utah. Once I pass that, it's just a matter of waiting to hit the 4 years of working experience requirement. Most people plan on studying 4-6 months for the exam. I am also taking a course to help prep for the exam it's been very helpful. 

Even while studying and working, Hunter and I always made sure to find time for weekend activities. We decided to buy a drone to take some cool videos/pictures and help explore locations. I have always wanted one and we took the plunge to get one. We bought the DJI mini 2 which doesn't need a license to fly because it is under 250 grams!

Drone picture of a canyon 

Drone video around our neighborhood

Some more action with the Drone

Valentine's day treats from my mom!

Skiing at Powder Mountain near Salt Lake

Gooseberry Messa


Oscars Mexican near Zion

Hop Valley area

Big horn sheep

Once March came around, I was sent out into the field for construction management and inspection at work. I expected to be away for 3-4 months, but ended up being away for 7.5-8 months total! Thankfully having flight benefits came in handy for a few weekend trips and visits with Hunter and while away I got to accumulate a ton of hotel points.

I often get asked "what do you do" as no one really knows what aviation infrastructure engineering is. The best way to explain it has been to say "everything you see behind the fence at an airport, thats what we do". This summer I tried to find a better way of explaining what I do, and I found that photo/video stories really helped. You can see my photo stories here on my Instagram Highlights (

Back to playing in Zion on the Weekends

Goodbye Range Rover!

Hello shiny 4runner

To celebrate taking my PE exam and buying our new car the day before the exam, we took it on a trip through Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, enjoying the new capabilities of our truck!

Dinner in Torey

Hiking Lower Calf Creek Falls

Burgers at Burr Trail Grill

Breakfast at Kiva Koffeehouse

Hells Backbone

After our great adventure of taking the PE exam and exploring with the new rig, it was back to work and just weekend adventures. We wanted to test out what our truck could do, so we went everywhere. In about 7 months we have put 10,000 miles on it and every mile has been absolutely amazing! I wont bore you with more words, instead just enjoy these photos from the month of May. Pictures are worth a thousand words anyways!

The Great Chamber

Toadstool Hoodoos

Glen Canyon


Horseshoe bend

Our first desert tortoise after being in SGU for ~5 years

Campfire with friends!


Campfire video

Bridge on the road to Browse.

Utah's giant sequoia

The guard station in Browse

Gooseberry Messa Drone Pano

Camping on Gooseberry Messa

USGS Survey pin out on Kolob Terrace Road

Hunter and I finally decided to take a first class run one weekend and I am so glad we did! We didn't do it for the first class pillows we always have wanted... It has been so long since we have enjoyed our typical habits, it was a great splurge to do the quick turn. The flights we took were incredibly empty, so we went for it!

Snacks in the Alaska Lounge at LAX for a NYC turn

UA dinner on the plane

Our favourite stop at Yankee Pier

I finally got to return all my PE books to my office after taking the exam!

Beaver Dam Wilderness area

5am hike at Taylor Creek in Zion Wilderness

In June, I was still working in Provo. Being so close to Salt Lake City, we took advantage and flew quite a bit. Our biggest highlight was going to Atlanta to the Aquarium. We also went camping and went to Jackson one weekend.

Varsity is like Billy Ks back home!

Jelly Fish at the Aquarium

Giant whale shark. We could have spent all day staring into this massive tank of beautiful fish.

I got to touch things!!

Bridal Veil Falls in Provo area

Smith Messa looking out towards Gooseberry Messa

Camping in the Uintas at Mirror Lake

Upper Provo Falls

Beautiful Drone Shot

Mirror Lake

Our lovely camp site


Going on roads we probably shouldn't

Dick's Burger Shack 

Teton approach

Russell Cabin

Schwabacher Landing

July was another exciting month of us staying busy. We went to San Francisco one weekend, drove our 4runner to Jackson the next to position it for Hunter's birthday and flew back home, then spent the last weekend of the month camping at Colter Bay for Hunter's birthday. Camping was such a blast and we got to go on an amazing hike to Delta lake, proving that Hunter and I can complete longer, more intense hikes!

Muir Woods National Monument

Point Reyes Lighthouse

Hunter always manages to get the best photos of me!

Dinner at a Thai place called ThaiTanic Streetfood

An evening stroll after dinner past a Marina

All packed up for camping!

Kayaking at Jenny thanks to Hunter's brother Hayden!

Our Colter Bay camp site

The truck looks mighty fine in the Tetons

Off to Delta Lake



Delta lake!

Signal Mountain Nachos!

Relaxing after a crazy hike!

Grilled cheese on a campfire

Hunter opening birthday presents

Driving back to St. George we had to stop for raspberry shakes

Hunter dropped me off at work in Provo, and then brought me lunch before he returned to St. George!

August was an exciting month. I was sent to Broomfield Colorado, which is near Denver and Boulder, for a 90 day project at Rocky Mountain Metro Airport (BJC) as the primary inspector with another coworker. I was incredibly excited to go because this was my first "solo" project. I use the term "solo" loosely because I shared the title of RPR (resident project engineer) with another coworker who has been working for ~3 years in the electrical department, but I had more field and construction management/inspection experience than he did. He had more background in design, paperwork, and support functions overall. The differences in our strengths and weaknesses really complimented one another and our project was recognized by many in the company. Our project finished ahead of schedule and under budget which is pretty amazing for a first "solo" project. My coworker and I worked an insane amount, and the hard work really did pay off. I am glad that I was trusted after only 1 year with the company to go out and work on a project with little supervision from more experienced people. There were definitely challenging times on-site and moments where I just wanted to be done the project, but overall the experience I gained from this project is invaluable. Im very proud of my work and am so glad my employer recognizes my ability as well. 

Aside from working 12-16 hour days 7 days a week, I was able to squeeze in a few trips back home. This was super important in August because Hunter and I moved! Our landlords sold their house, so we had to find somewhere else to live, and we found the perfect apartment. We found a senior living apartment that was accepting a few "under age" residents that has a pool and hot tub, activity room, gym, and more. When house hunting, we always came across exactly what we wanted, but then there was always an age limit. I ended up just calling one, and they told me they were accepting a few young people, so we immediately applied and were accepted! Top floor corner unit too!

Hunter was amazing and drove me to BJC allowing me to catch up on plenty of rest before working

Driving to Colorado we went through a flash flood and rain storms. We had to take a 2-hour detour due to a mud slide closing a canyon. 

Stopping at an overlook along the way

A detour through Colorado National Monument

Colorado National Monument

Over the rockies!

A quick weekend back to SGU to say goodbye to this beautiful view

Indian Dinner with Hunter before flying back to Colorado

Lunch date in Denver with Hunter

Snooze breakfast with Hunter

Butterfly garden in Broomfield

Getting the Keys to our new apartment!

Welcome to our new home!

Breakfast in St. George with Hunter

Another lunar rock 4runner in St. George

Sunset at BJC

Dinner with Hunter at Viva Chicken

In September Hunter and I took a trip to New York City to visit the memorial on September 11th. It was an incredible museum that is huge inside. The video footage and stories shared inside just makes you speechless. If you ever have the opportunity to go, I recommend you do. While I was just a baby and don't remember the day, this museum does an excellent job at describing the events from all perspectives. 

Memorial in the LAX airport

Aloft Hotel in NYC

Dominique Ansel breakfast

Lunch at Katz's Delicatessen

Walking in Central Park

Found an awesome pasta place for dinner in NYC

Breakfast on our way back to the west coast

The next week brought sad circumstances as my grandmother passed away. I was able to fly home to be there for the funeral and while we were mourning our loss, we also celebrated our family. Given it had been over a year and a half since I last saw my mom and siblings, it was exciting to be back, and with everyone all at once. I also got to meet my Nephew Zackery for the first time since he was born. I knew that my grandma would be happy watching us be together and having a nice time while sharing stories about her. 

1.5 years since being in Canada, but a year and 8 months since seeing my mom
My grandmother

Ice cream cake family tradition

All the siblings back together plus some

Brittny swimming with Zoey

Stormy, Zoey, and Zack

Brittny and Zack. He is so cute!

Zoey looks just like my mom and I when we were babies too

The awesome mug my mom got me

The next weekend Hunter came to visit me in Colorado and we got to go to Rocky Mountain National Park as well as Pikes Peak. We had a fun jammed packed weekend.

Cog railway

A little sleepy at dinner after long day, but dinner was DELICIOUS!

October meant one more month in Colorado. I was looking forward to returning home and getting to spend time in our new house given we have rented it for 3 months and I think I had spent about 10 nights in total there. I was able to make another 2 trips home for some fun before actually returning to St. George for the rest of the year. October 22nd I left Colorado at noon for Provo as we were going to finish up the permanent pavement markings (paint), but as I was making my way there (8 hour drive) the contractor notified me it was raining and thus pavement had to be pushed off to the following weekend. I was annoyed, but also excited because I got to go HOME! I drove straight home from BJC only having stopped 3 times! That is pretty impressive for me given I hate driving for long stretches (I am a better passenger). 

Fall colours up at Kolob

Kolob reservoir fall colours with crazy low water

Cooking steaks on the apartment grills

Exploring in Wolf Hole Spring 

Inside the hole

The joys of BLM land and cattle grazing

A giant sinkhole out in Gold Butte called Devils Throat

Amazing aerial taken with our drone!

Little Finland


A 2022 inferior 4runner, the grill just looks so wrong!

Driving up Signal Peak

Muddy and then clean 4runner

A bit of flash flooding

Snowy Cedar Breaks

Sheeps! Driving in Dixie National Forest near Cedar Breaks we ran into shepherds herding sheep. 

Fall colours contrasting against the lava rock

Breakfast in St. George

Exploring the Rock Corral near Beaver

Being home for a little under a month now has been wonderful. Its so nice to come home and see Hunter every night. Last weekend Hunter and I went to Toroweap with Cody and Kenna (and fig!). Getting to see the Grand Canyon from the North rim (not the touristy part), was pretty amazing. We also got to see some really pristine petroglyphs nearby! Hunter and I will definitely go back!

Breakfast at First Watch after returning to St George

Evening walk with Hunter and we found a massive Grasshopper. Did you know locusts and grasshoppers are the same thing?

Finally got my degree up in my office!

Off to the Grand Canyon

Can you spot the difference in the two photos above? 
I just got a new phone with the amazing capability of removing unwanted backgrounds, such as the pesky road sign ruining the nice BLM sign. I see this being very useful!

Can you spot the difference again? Its pretty incredible how the AI works. I bet if I just posted that one photo without the post and its shadow, you would have never known it was edited!

A bathroom with a view! Unfortunately, they didn't install windows.

Figgy was afraid of the bridge to the toilets

Helping Kenna, Cody, and Fig make fun tictoks

Pristine petroglyphs

Hunter and I making cute videos! Make sure to click on the gear and turn the quality as high as possible

Baking cat green onion and cheddar biscuits because that was the only cookie cutter I had on hand

Well, this finally brings us to the present. If you have actually read all of this and looked at the 400+ photos, congratulations and thank you for taking the time to catch up in our lives. We love to share our adventures with everyone and I should have 100% kept a more frequent log of our activities with more details shared, but no one really knew how long the pandemic would last, and even today it's still ongoing. Hunter and I are extremely grateful to be fully vaccinated now with the booster shot. Since the world is getting back into a new routine, and we are vaccinated, we made the decision to take out first international trip since Jordan in February 2020 and visit Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. We will be leaving on the 12th and returning on the 21st of November! I fully plan to blog, so stay tuned for those. Almost two years later, a full-time job at an excellent engineering firm, and we are getting back into our amazing travels!


  1. delightful. It is now past midnight but I COULD NOT STOP!

  2. Great photos! Nice to catch up.
