
Exploring the Waterfront

Today is Saturday the 28th (January 2023). I woke up around 7am and Hunter at 7:30. Sunrise is at 6am here, and we didn't shut our black-out blinds last night, so I woke up early. Amazingly enough, we woke up to a beautiful rainbow outside our window, that just kept getting better with time. 

The end of the rainbow is found!

We had breakfast in the restaurant today called Thirty7. It had a good selection of food, especially fruit. Unfortunately, we didn't end up taking any photos! After breakfast, we returned to our room to get ready for the day. Hunter purchased the Cape Town City Passes for us which gets us admission into tons of activities here. Initially, we had planned to do a hike today, however, the weather was a bit cloudy so we adjusted and headed down to the V&A Waterfront not too far from our hotel. We first stopped at a grocery store called pick and pay for some drinks and snacks. They had some cool items!

No Name brand!

While walking around we came across a newly opened Patagonia store and we had to check it out! We managed to get some local stickers for our car and ski tube! We already have an Atlanta sticker, and now we have a Cape Town one. Not many people are going to have that on their car back in Atlanta! We then decided to hit up the aquarium here as it was on our passes. On our walk there, we found the coolest market called The Watershed. It had all sorts of local vendors and such selling artwork, clothing, and more. On the upper floors, there are also shared workspaces which were super cool. 

We found a painted Rino sculpture while walking around

Entering The Watershed

When we finally arrived at the aquarium we got to skip the ticket line and scan our passes at the turnstile. They stamped our arms with an invisible black light ink, so we could come back at any point during the day if we wanted. We arrived just in time for a bunch of animal feedings, so we headed in towards the Penguins and sharks, skipping by most of the aquarium. 

Blowing puffer fish!

Apparently, the Nemo fish like to lay on their sides when they do not have an anemone 

Pulsing Electric Flame Scallops

African Penguins

Rock Hopper Penguins

Ragged-tooth sharks also known as sand tiger sharks or grey nurse sharks

A view of the top of the tank

Divers getting ready to feed the sharks

A bit blurry, but the shark is eating

After the feedings, we then returned back to the start to look at everything we rushed past. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!

Mini Jellies! even the tiny specs that look like dirt are jellies

The mirrors in this room made it super cool

Upsidedown jellies

Reticulated whip tail stingray


Dolphin nose shark

Kelp forest

Leopard shark

Hunter wants this wallpaper in our house!

After seeing all the aquarium had on offer, we wandered over to the Museum of Contemporary Art Africa, or MOCAA. MOCAA is quite the building. Located in the Silo district, the building used to be a grain silo. It is 57 meters tall and was originally built in the 1920s. When we entered we were met with a giant art display in the middle of the silos that were carved out. We then went up to the 6th floor and worked our way down as instructed through the various exhibits. Overall it was a super cool museum and we would recommend it!

While walking to MOCAA, we saw a seal in the water, but he was too quick for pictures

we are quite a ways from home!

The MOCAA Silo

Hunter's favorite piece in the museum

A surprising amount of American references and artwork here

They call this the tablecloth! (table mountain covered by clouds)

After the art museum, we continued to explore the area a bit more, but eventually returned to the hotel. We decided to go up to the lounge and see what snacks they had today. They had cauliflower mac and cheese, a couscous salad, an Indian dish, and a sausage hotdog thing. The mac and cheese was delicious and was a normal pasta base with chunks of cauliflower added in. After the lounge, we returned to the room where I noticed Jaco, my coworker, messaged me. He is from South Africa, so he was curious about what we were up to. He also gave us a bunch of suggestions for things to do and eat while we are here. As he says "SOOOOOOOO much to do"!

Snack in the lounge

We decided that we would go out for sunset to Signal Hill. We took an Uber there as it was about ~20 minutes away and we missed the bus our City Passes get us on. When we arrived, it was super windy, but thankfully we were prepared with our Patagonia nano puff jackets! We enjoyed the views and area until the sunset, then caught the hop-on hop-off sunset bus back to the waterfront which took about 45 minutes. There was a group of school girls that made the ride quite entertaining as they were extremely hyper. When we got back, we decided to get dinner at Quay Four, a Jaco suggestion. They serve various seafood items. We ordered a calamari strip and chips and a hake and chips dish to share. Both were super tasty! 

Once we finished dinner, we picked up an Uber to our hotel as it was now 10pm. When we got back, we showered and headed to bed after our long day! My watch says we walked 15974 steps, 7.5 miles, and climbed 35 flights of stairs! I tried my best to get my blog sent out, however, as soon as I sat down I started falling asleep and couldn't keep my eyes open. Hunter was worried I was going to drop his laptop, so we decided that it would be best to finish in the morning. Thankfully I had written various parts throughout the day, so I just needed to add photos which is easier than if I had to write the whole thing!

My delicious calamari

Live music

Saturday January 28, 2023

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